Permanent Makeup is NOT suitable for clients who are/have:

  • Pregnant or nursing

  • Undergoing Chemotherapy in present time (Consult with you doctor) - Must be off Chemotherapy for 6 months prior to cosmetic tattooing

  • Viral infections (diseases)

  • Had Botox/Filler within a 4 week period of appointment

  • Sick with a cold or flu-like virus

  • Used Accutane in the past 6 months

  • Prone to Keloids/Hypertrophic scarring

  • Are currently on steroids

  • Are currently on antibiotics (must be off antibiotics for two weeks prior to your appointment)

  • Active acne in the brow/lip area

  • Active rashes in the brow/lip/eye area

  • Active rosacea in the brow/lip/eye area

Preparing for your appointment:

  • Stop using any “skin thinners” (Retinol, Retin-A, Vitamin A & E (ingestible as well), Glycolic acids, Lactic acids, AHAs/BHAs, any exfoliation (essentially anything that says “anti-aging” “resurfacing”, etc) two weeks prior to your appointment. If you have any questions about your skincare ingredients, please feel free to email me directly- I would be more that happy to assist.

  • Any waxing or brow shaping should be done at least one week before your service. I can absolutely do shaping at your initial session.

  • If you tint your brows, tint it at least one week prior to the procedure.

  • Cosmetic botox or fillers should be done 2 weeks prior/2 weeks after.

  • DO NOT consume alcohol, or caffeine 24 hours before appointment.

  • Do NOT take any blood thinners/pain relievers (aspirin, ibuprofen, Niacin, Fish Oil, 48 hours before your procedure, this will cause excess bleeding and may affect your healed results). Please consult a doctor before stopping prescription blood thinners. I will turn you away and reschedule if you have taken any blood thinners within in 48 hours.

  • I will NOT be able to tattoo over rashes, abrasions, rosacea moles, acne, etc. If there is active acne in the brow area, we will have to reschedule.

  • ANY major surgery, minor surgery or other service that needs healing - NEEDS a doctors note. Please contact me if you have questions about this.

For Lips specifically:

  • If you have a history of cold sores you'll need to start taking an anti-viral prescription (Valacyclovir, Denavir (penciclovir), Valtrex or acyclovir (Zovirax)), at least a week BEFORE your service. Cold sore outbreaks are often triggered by stress or trauma to the lips and skin. Therefore if you are a carrier, lip blush will likely cause an outbreak if you do not take an anti-viral medication prior. Your appointment WILL be cancelled if you have had a history of cold sores and do not follow this instruction. This is because cold sores will effect the healing/results and can even lead to scarring. So please do not skip this step, you will be happy you didn't and have better results.

  • Apply lip balm multiple times a day three days before your appointment to ensure your lips are moisturized for your session.

  • Exfoliate lips 1-2 times a day three days before your appointment to ensure your lips are smooth for your session. You can use sugar and honey to exfoliate.

For Lash Line Enhancement specifically:

  • If you wear contacts - you cannot wear them to your appointment

  • No Lash Extensions

  • If you think you have a Stye on or around your eyelid - you must reschedule your appointment

  • Lash lift and tint procedure must be done 24 or more prior to your appointment

  • No over the counter lash serums for 2 weeks before & after

  • If you are on a stronger lash serum such as Latisse you must discontinue use for 2 months before and after the procedure - this serum can change the integrity of the skin causing migration. This is EXTREMELY important.

The following conditions/concerns WILL NEED a doctor's note for permanent makeup:

  • Diabetes

  • Hemophilia

  • Any recent cancer/chemotherapy

  • Thyroid issues/concerns

  • Auto Immune Diseases

  • Eczema

  • Psoriasis

  • Dermatitis

  • Epilepsy/Seizures

If you do not provide a doctor's note, you will be turned away. I would suggest receiving doctor's clearance before booking your session if you have any of the above.

The following do not prevent you from receiving PMU, but may be something you would like to consider before booking your appointment:

  • Scar Tissue - Scar tissue normally does not hold pigment. We can absolutely tattoo around/over the scar tissue, but keep in mind, the area may remain lighter in color than the rest of the brow.

  • Raised Moles in the Brow Area - I cannot tattoo over raised moles. That may cause gaps in PMU.

  • Frequent Tanning/Sun damaged skin: Tanning/Sun damage can change the color of the PMU over time.

  • Cigarette Smoking: Smoking can change the color of the PMU over time.

  • Coarse Brow hair - Especially when booking a Microblading appointment, the microblading strokes may be much thinner than your natural hair which will cause gaps in the finished brow. I will advise against Microblading with this hair type.


Brow Aftercare

  • You cannot get your brows wet for two weeks. We will provide you with shower visors to use in the shower. No pools, no saunas, no jacuzzis. When you wash your face, you will need to wash your face outside of the shower to avoid the brow region. A lot of clients use makeup wipes/micellar water on the forehead area during this time.

  • No makeup on the brow area for two weeks, during peeling and scabbing time. You can wear face makeup, but have to be careful not to touch the brow area with it for two weeks, as well as be careful when removing the facial makeup.

  • No working out for two weeks. No strenuous activity. The salt in your sweat will breakdown the pigment.

  • Too much lymph fluid, water, sweat & oil will result in scabs instead of a film. Scabs will result in patchy brows. We do have you wash your brows throughout healing for a cleaner healing process.

  • No direct sunlight on the brow area for two weeks. If you're going to be in direct sunlight, you need to protect your brows will a big hat or big sunglasses.

  • We will send you home with a little jar of ointment & a bottle of soap and give you instructions on how/when to use.

Lip Blush Aftercare

  • You will go through many stages throughout your healing process.We will give you an aftercare card at your first session, that explains the stages that you can take home.

  • Keep your lips clean and dry, but moisturized with the ointment we give you, for the first 7-10 days. Ensure that your lips do NOT get dry.

  • Too much lymph fluid, water, sweat & oil will result in scabs instead of a film. Scabs will result in patchy lips.

  • Use a straw whist drinking for the first 3-5 days.

  • Avoid very salty food, and spicy food for seven days.

  • No kissing or friction on the lips for seven days.

Lash Line Enhancement Aftercare

  • Do not get your lash line wet for 2 weeks - this doesn’t mean don’t wash your face

  • No makeup on or around your lash line for 2 weeks • including mascara

  • No lash lift and tint or lash extensions for 2 weeks

  • No contacts for the 1st 24 hours after your procedure

  • Your eye lids many appear somewhat swollen ( almost like you had a good tearful cry ) for the 1st 24 hours after your procedure but will subside

Removal Aftercare

  • This will be explained thoroughly at your removal session.

PLEASE ensure that you are reading the aftercare portion of my website. Aftercare is NOT a suggestion- you need to follow proper aftercare for good results.

Makayla Belle Cosmetic Tattoo is NOT responsible for failure to read this preparation section. Booking an appointment means you have read, understood, and agree to the preparation section.

If you have any questions on the pre-care, please email -we would be more than happy to assist you.